Payments could fail due to the following reasons:
- You accidentally entered incorrect credit/debit card details like name on the card, card number, CVV, 3D secure PIN and expiry date. In case of an American Express card, your transaction could fail if your billing address pincode is incorrect.
- The card details you provided are no longer valid or need to be updated.
- Your bank is going through an outage.
- You accidentally closed/refreshed the page or pressed backspace while the transaction was being processed by your bank.
- The connection between BP HOLDING and your Bank failed due to some technical issues and the transaction couldn’t be completed.
- Your card may be blocked for online transactions.
- You might be using a card that is not accepted on BP HOLDING currently. Find out what cards are accepted here.
In any of the above cases, you’ll have the option to Revise Payment in Your Account. In any of these cases we’ll send you an e-mail to notify you of the payment failure.
You could also receive a payment pending message due to the following reasons:
- Payment confirmation pending: If you paid for your order using net banking, we may be awaiting the payment confirmation from your bank. This can sometimes take few days. For immediate status, contact your bank.
- Problem in contacting your bank or credit card: Sometimes we may be unable to contact your bank or card issuer which can cause delay. If so, you will receive an e-mail from us.
- Incomplete payment: If your initial payment attempt was unsuccessful, your payment might stay in pending stage. In such cases, try to revise the payment when you receive an e-mail from us, so that we can process your order immediately.
Note: If your payment is still processing, you will see a “We haven’t received payment confirmation from your bank or credit card yet”. In such cases, do not attempt paying a second time unless you’re sure that your payment failed. If you accidentally pay twice, we’ll refund your extra payment within a few days.